How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth by Michelle Robinson.
Things can get a bit messy when you try to wash a woolly mammoth. Follow this step-by-step guide to successfully clean up your hairy friend. Be forewarned! A mammoth’s tummy is terribly tickly.
Young readers and parents alike will appreciate this hilarious bath time adventure in How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth.
Michelle Robinson is the bestselling, award-winning author of picture books including The World Made a Rainbow, She Rex, There’s a Lion in my Cornflakes, A Beginner’s Guide to Bearspotting, Grandmas from Mars, the Goodnight Spaceman series and many, many more. She has won several awards, including the Lollies Laugh Out Loud Book Award, Sainsbury’s Children’s Book Award, the Stockport Children’s Book Award and the North Somerset Teachers’ Book awards. She is also the author of funny young fiction including Do Not Disturb the Dragons and Do Not Mess with the Mermaids. / @micherobinson
Kate Hindley is a children’s book illustrator, currently living and working in Worcestershire, UK. Her first picture book illustrations appeared in The Great Snortle Hunt. She likes doodling, and pea and ham soup.
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